In Liberia, we seek development and unity, yet we prioritize partisanship over patriotism, with citizens showing greater loyalty to their parties and leaders than to the nation itself.
As Partisans, we often believe that we are always right and our opponents are wrong, even when that is not the case. Partisans do not question the decisions of their leaders and possess a preconceived notion that their leaders are saints. Their judgment is often clouded by sentiment and hypocrisy.
They recognize corruption and wrongdoing in those they oppose but justify it in those they support. Partisans will call someone a criminal, but when that person joins their party, they are suddenly seen as a hero.
They always seek ways to justify the wrongdoings of those they support while fabricating accusations against those they oppose. Even if someone from an independent standpoint disagrees with them, they tie that person’s loyalty to a party because, in their mind, everyone is partisan and no one is independent.
Partisans back leaders who ignore the law and provide justification for their actions. However, when it comes to those they oppose, they demand that the law be respected. Because of this partisanship, which is dividing and destroying society, many leaders in Liberia are more concerned with proving a point to their opponents than working to improve the lives of their constituents.
They focus on making their opponents look bad rather than on meaningful progress. They do this because they believe their partisans will only care about what they do to their opponents and not what they do for them as partisans. This mindset is why we are backward and will continue to be if we stay on this path.
To truly progress as a nation, Liberians must shift from partisanship to patriotism, fostering a strong sense of national identity and prioritizing the common good over partisan interests. This means holding leaders accountable, regardless of their political affiliation, and striving for justice and fairness for all. Achieving this requires promoting civic education that emphasizes the importance of national unity, encouraging dialogue and collaboration across party lines, and strengthening institutions to ensure transparency and accountability.
Community engagement and grassroots initiatives can bridge divides and foster a culture of patriotism, ensuring that the law is applied equally and consistently, not selectively based on party lines. By creating inclusive spaces for all citizens to contribute to the nation’s progress and holding leaders accountable for their promises and actions, Liberians can work together toward the development and unity they deserve.